Working Rule Agreement 2021

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The Working Rule Agreement (WRA) is a collective agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for construction workers. It is negotiated by trade unions and employers` associations, and it covers a wide range of issues, including pay rates, working hours, holidays, sick pay and pension schemes. The WRA is updated every year, and the latest version, the WRA 2021, has just been released.

One of the main changes in the WRA 2021 is the increase in the basic hourly rate for skilled workers. From January 2021, the minimum hourly rate will be £12.50 in London and £10.90 outside of London. This represents a 2.5% increase compared to the previous year. There will also be increases in other allowances, such as the travel allowance, the subsistence allowance and the accommodation allowance.

The WRA 2021 also includes provisions for apprenticeship training. Employers will be required to pay a minimum of 2.5% of their payroll towards apprenticeship training. This is in addition to the statutory apprenticeship levy which is paid by all employers with an annual payroll of more than £3 million. The WRA 2021 also sets out the minimum rates of pay for apprentices, based on their level of experience and qualification.

Another change in the WRA 2021 is the introduction of a new holiday pay scheme. Under this scheme, workers will be entitled to 30 days` paid holiday per year, including bank holidays. This represents an increase from the previous entitlement of 28 days` paid holiday. Employers will also be required to pay an additional 8% of their workers` basic pay towards holiday pay.

The WRA 2021 also includes provisions for health and safety. Employers will be required to provide health and safety training to all workers, and to ensure that all workers are provided with appropriate personal protective equipment. There will also be new provisions for mental health, including a requirement for employers to provide access to counselling and support services.

The WRA 2021 is a comprehensive agreement that covers all aspects of employment in the construction industry. Its provisions are designed to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that their rights are protected. The agreement is negotiated by trade unions and employers` associations, and it represents a consensus between the two sides. The WRA 2021 is an important document that will shape the working lives of construction workers for the next year.